mediocre hobbies

How I won a Painting Competition using Slapchop! (Plus Imperial Fist painted with Slapchop!)

Paint the new Astrorath The Grim from the new Blood Angels Army Box! (simple and quick!)

Don't Sweat the Details! Get your models painted fast and start playing!

Ex GW Staff explains WHY so many Age of Sigmar kits are going away #newaos

How to Paint the Skaven Warplock Jezzails from Skaventide! Easy and Fast scheme!

How to paint Skaven Clan Schemes fast! Verminus, Pestilens and Eschin yes yes!

Speed Paint your way through a Warhammer 40K Adeptus Custodes army featuring the new Shield Captain!

I Promoted A Scam...

Jazzing up the new Death Company Brutalis Dreadnought from the Blood Angels Army Box!

Painting Syrax from House of the Dragon with contrast paints through an airbrush!

Bretonnian Questing Knight Week Day 3! Adapting a Family Crest for a Knight! #theoldworld

Building my first mini for Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago!

Speed Paint Orcs for The Old World...or take them to a higher standard! #theoldworld

The Old World Lore: Bretonnian Knight Units! What do they mean and how do they work?

How to Paint Mechanicum Battle Group: Castellax Battle-automata for Horus Heresy (Super easy)

Paint More Skaven Clan Schemes fast! Moulder, Skryre and Volkn for Age of Sigmar or The Old World!

Necromunda: Hive Secundus! It's Genestealer time!

I kicked off my Chaos Dwarf army with a Bull Centaur Taur'ruk!

Sentinels of the Hallowed Star! Painting and dropping Lore on my homebrew chapter!

Who are the Ultramarines' Tyrannic War Veterans? Plus Painting Guide!

Buy the models you like! I hijacked the Medusa for my Death Korps of Krieg Army

Tips for making 'complicated' models easy to paint! (with the Black Orc Warboss for The Old World!)

This old Giant was so much fun to paint...what happened to the joy of hobby?!

Crimson Fists: How to paint them and why I don't like them!